Wisconsin Local Section of the American Nuclear Society

“… for the advancement of science and engineering related to the atomic nucleus, and of allied sciences and arts”

Our Mission

  • To encourage the public understanding of nuclear sciences and engineering
  • To promote beneficial and cordial relations with the faculty and students of nearby institutions giving courses in nuclear science and engineering
  • To cooperate with other scientific and professional groups having similar objectives
  • To cooperate with the Society in the promotion and conduct of National, Topical and joint meetings, etc., mutually beneficial to the Society and the Section
  • To encourage closer professional relationships and personal interactions among the members
  • To engage in such other activities as may be appropriate for the fulfillment of the objectives of the Society

About ANS

The American Nuclear Society is celebrating 60 years as the premier society for nuclear professionals. Our individual membership ranks include more than 10,000 engineers, scientists, educators, students, and others with nuclear related interests. Our members hail from more than 1,600 corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies from over 40 different countries. More than 80 industry-leading companies support the ANS as Organization Members.

ANS, a not-for-profit society, provides extensive opportunities for every professional group in the nuclear field to interact effectively via 22 divisions and technical groups, 59 U.S. and 10 non-U.S. local sections, 3 plant branches, and 43 U.S. and 3 non-U.S. student sections

The Society serves as an advocate for individuals and organizations having a stake in nuclear science and technology. Our Washington, D.C. office acts as a technical resource to senior policy and decision makers. ANS produces position papers on nuclear science and technology issues of our times, publishing these in print and on our website.

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