an important aspect of nuclear and radioactive material management at DOE facilities is accountability. This point and related subject areas were discussed by Cathy Ramsey, Senior Engineer at Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) and Nuclear Materials Management Primary Point of Contact for the Savannah River Site (SRS), at in the first ANS SR dinner meeting in 2024 to an audience of 38 at Bobby?s BBQ in Warrenville, SC.
Ms. Ramsey?s presentation, entitled, ?Foreign Obligation Management at SRS: Requirements and Methods for Bulk Material Processes,? pointed out the SRS manages a large quantity of foreign obligated special nuclear material. The material is received as part of nonproliferation efforts to repatriate U.S.-origin material that was loaned out as part of the Atoms for Peace Program. Cathy noted that increases in both nuclear weapons program and disposition activities at SRS has placed increased scrutiny on management of foreign obligated materials and has driven the need for a more robust and transparent management strategy. She summarized the improved framework used at SRS H Canyon that has enabled bulk processing and disposition of foreign obligated material while also providing increased transparency and traceability.
After her remarks on nuclear materials and before taking questions, Cathy recommended attendees consider the merits of participating in the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM). INMM is reestablishing its activities in this area after a short pause. Ms. Ramsey has a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences from the University of Michigan and is a Certified Knowledge Manager through the Knowledge Management Institute