by James Deaton | Oct 8, 2023 | ANS, Networking
On October 2023, the ANS Savannah River section took a tour of Southern Nuclear’s Plant Votgle. Led by Mr. Mike McCracken, the guided tour covered topics on the status of Votgle’s Plant 3 coming online to power the grid and Plant 4 status of...
by James Deaton | Aug 14, 2023 | ANS, Networking
On August 4, the local section met at the SRP Park in North Augusta, SC. The Greenjackets played the Columbia Fireflies and The Lawn Ace Lounge was reserved for the section to meet in fellowship and enjoy a baseball game. ? The Lawn Ace Lounge offers the perfect view...
by James Deaton | Jun 27, 2023 | ANS, Technical Dinner
Dr. Benjamin Cross, Senior Advisor of NuSynergy Energy, LLC. Presentation:??”A Central Facility Concept for Nuclear Microreactor Maintenance and Fuel Cycle Management” Speaker:??Dr. Benjamin J. Cross, PE, Senior Advisor, NuSynergy Energy, LLC ...
by James Deaton | May 15, 2023 | ANS, Networking, Technical Dinner
John Williams, Vice President of Business Operations for Vogtle 3&4 provided an update on Vogtle 3&4 and shared his perspectives about the Westinghouse AP1000 technology, Vogtle 1&2, nuclear fuel, Southern Nuclear and our nuclear energy industry. View the...
by James Deaton | Mar 23, 2023 | ANS, Networking, Technical Dinner
Retired Major General Perry M. Smith served 30 years in the U.S. Air Force.? During his military career, he commanded an F-15 fighter wing in Germany, served as the top Air Force planner, and was commandant of the National War College.? During the Vietnam War, Smith...
by James Deaton | Feb 23, 2023 | ANS
Speaker Information: Dr. Holly Flynn is a Senior Scientist at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) and was recently awarded a Department of Energy Fusion Energy Science INFUSE Award with General Atomics.? She has worked in both Fusion Energy Sciences, cyber...