ANS SR Turns 60 this month! We received our charter as a local section of ANS dated November 21, 1963.
Speaker:? ANS President Kenneth S. Petersen
On Wednesday, November 29, 2023 the local section of ANS gathered at Newberry Hall to hear Kenneth Peterson discuss the rich history of the American Nuclear Society? Savannah River Chapter.
About the Speaker:
Kenneth S. Petersen is the 69th President of the American Nuclear Society. Mr. Petersen retired as vice president of nuclear fuels for Constellation (formerly Exelon Generation) in November 2021, and is an executive consultant to the nuclear power industry, providing strategy, management, and technical consulting related to nuclear fuel and special nuclear material. Prior to his retirement in November 2021, Ken was Exelon Generation Company?s (EGC?s) vice president for nuclear fuels. In this role, he provided governance and oversight for all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle for Exelon?s fleet of 21 operational reactors and three retired reactors. He led Exelon?s fuel purchasing, nuclear core design and related safety analyses, and spent fuel management.
Mr. Petersen began his one-year term as ANS president in June at the 2023 ANS Annual Meeting. Drawing on his professional experience, Petersen has said he?ll focus his efforts on high-level waste issues during his term, continuing the work of ANS past president Steven Nesbit.