American Nuclear

The Michigan-Ohio Section of the American Nuclear Society presents:



Small Modular Reactors:

What, Why, When, How...

Gregory H. Halnon - Fleet Regulatory Affairs FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.



May 21th, 2015


Agenda (New Times)
4:30 -- Officer's Meeting
5:30 -- Networking / Social
6:00 -- Dinner
7:00 -- Presentation

Location (Map)

Davis Besse Administration Building
Oak Harbor, Ohio

Please RSVP by: May 18th, 2015 - 3PM

RSVP Online: (No Cost) RSVP Form

To make your dinner reservation over the phone, please call Caprice Warren of Tetra Tech at 734-930-7500 prior to the meeting.


  • Pulled pork and quarter chicken with potato and green beans