Public Information and Outreach

John Paczolt the outreach lead for Chicago ANS at the STEM fair in Joliet 10-2017

STEM fair

John Paczolt, elected Member at Large and active public information coordinator,?at the STEM fair in Joliet 10-2017

Girl Scouts ‘Get to Know Nuclear’

2018 was the 7th annual event hosted by the Chicago local section of ANS after teaming up with the Girls Scouts of the Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana and Exelon’s Women in Nuclear (WIN). Almost 50 Girl Scouts earned the ANS National ?Get to Know Nuclear? patch with the help of 23 nuclear professionals ranging from engineers to scientists. Of the 23 volunteers, 19 were women working in nuclear from Argonne, Sargent & Lundy and Exelon hoping to inspire the next wave of women in nuclear (WIN). We reached 49 girl scouts ranging from 4th to 8th grade, and 21 adults = 70 total. The girls were divided into smaller groups and rotated between 5 sessions that included a presentation and activity in each. This followed the ANS National requirements for the ‘Get to Know Nuclear’ Girl Scout patch, which is modeled off the Boy Scouts’ Nuclear Merit Badge.

Girl Scouts Get to Know Nuclear Patch by ANS National??

See?links for articles written?in ANS Nuclear?News for the 2014 event and for?Sargent and Lundy website?for the 2018 event.

STEM Fairs

ANS Chicago participates in multiple Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) fairs in the Chicago-land area. This includes the Will County STEM Fair, STEM Expo in Dupage County, STEM discovery night- Meadow Glens Elementary School, STEMapalooza with Girl Scouts, in addition to school visits.

Washington Awards

ANS Chicago is a proud annual sponsor of the Washington Awards in Chicagoland. This event celebrates engineering week in February and recognizes pre-college students for their success in regional STEM competitions.

Washington Award Website

Science Fairs

ANS Chicago sends volunteers to judge at the 6 regional science fairs and State in March/April with a cash prize for the students, nuclear-friendly book for the school library (currently Max Carbon?s ?Nuclear Energy: Friend or Foe??) and an award certificate. These prizes to motivate students into science are highly appreciated by the organizers especially when financial rewards are drying up.

Girl Scouts Get to Know Nuclear

Girl Scouts Atomic Fission Fun Jan 20, 2018 at Exelon in Warrenville, IL with Farnaz Alimehri and Laural Briggs from Argonne.

Girl Scouts Atomic Fission Fun Jan 20, 2018 at Exelon in Warrenville, IL with Farnaz Alimehri and Laural Briggs from Argonne

Talk to Science Teachers

Vice Chair Liz Mattson and others talk nuclear at the Illinois Science Teachers Association (ISTA)