ANS_NE Activity Calendar

Download ANS Activity List updated 11-12-2019

November 12, 2019


Fiscal year is September 1 to August 31; Federal & State tax filing due May 15th.

Program Year is July 1 to June 30 (four meetings per year required)

Incorporated December 11, 1984 at Boston, MA under MGL Chapter 180

Federal ID No. 22-2547166



  • New program year starts (July 1)
  • New Officers and Directors take office (July 1)
  • Approve meeting fees and dues – Executive Committee
  • Optional-Approve one-year and five-year plans (Optinal) – Executive Committee
  • Optional-Send copies of one-year and five-year plans to ANS Headquarters – Chair
  • Prepare and Submit Section Annual Financial Statement for Board review – Outgoing Treasurer
  • Send list of Officers and Committee Chairs to: ANS Headquarters, Local Sections Committee section liaison, Local Sections Committee chair and Local Sections Committee Secretary – Chair (August 1)



  • Updates for new Officers and Committee Chairs
  • Update the web site – Webmaster
  • Update Distibution of ANS-NE emails to new officersd and committee chairs.for web site generated emails – Secretary/Webmaster
  • File Certificate of Change of Directors with secretary of state – Secretary
  • Request passwords for new officers for Website and Archive administration,
  • Submit audit results to Executive Committee for approval – Financial Committee
  • Prepare Annual Report, including financial report, and send to ANS Headquarters(either provide full report by August 1 or short form on-line report by August 31) – Outgoing Chair with inputs from Program Chair, Membership Chair and Treasurer
  • Determine key student university schedule and ANS national schedule to prevent conflicts with section program – Program Committee
  • Finalize Program through January 31- Program Committee Confirm program schedule for upcoming year and reserve meeting room(s) for Sept/Oct. – Program Committee



  • Start fiscal year;/budget year . We file our taxes on calendar year – Treasurer
  • Update bank account signature card to add new chair, treasurer and vice chair (optional) and remove those no longer involved – Treasurer
  • Update Fidelity account access for new chair, treasurer and vice chair (optional) and remove those no longer involved – Treasurer
  • Update Amazon Smile Program Access to new treasuer & vice chair – Treasurer
  • Hold first program meeting – Program Committee
  • Section Members to pay dues for new program year – Treasurer
  • Begin membership drive – Membership Committee
  • Update student section officers and faculty advisors on ANS-NE mailing list- Membership Committee/ Secretary



  • Update student section officers and faculty advisors on ANS-NE mailing list- Membership Committee/ Secretary
  • Update five-year plan – Optional, Chair
  • Appoint section representative to attend the ANS National (Winter Annual) meeting Local Sections Committee meeting – Chair
  • File State Annual Report for Non-Profit Corporations with MA Secretary of State (pay $15.00 filing fee by check or $18.50 if filed online) – Secretary (November 1)



  • Attend ANS Winter Annual Local Sections Committee meeting – Section Representative
  • Finalize ANS-NE Program through June 30 – Program Committee



Happy holidays



  • Appoint Nominating Committee (minimum of two members) – Chair
  • Obtain NE regional Directory from ANS Headquarters and assess for new ANS NE members (Bi-annually) – Membership Chair
  • Update membership list and send copy to ANS Headquarters (full mailing list with members identified; should not identify officers) (Bi-annually) – Membership Chair/Secretary



  • Ascertain interest / make arrangements for spring teacher’s workshop(s) (optional) – Chair/ Workshop Sponsor



  • Submit list of nominees to Secretary – Nominating Committee (March 1)
  • Appoint Election Committee (minimum of two) – Section Chair
  • Prepare list of authorized section voters (members that paid dues in full) – Treasurer



  • Send election ballot to membership – Election Committee (April 1)
  • Return election ballots to Election Committee – All voting members (2 weeks after ballot issuance)
  • Federal Tax Filing – File Form 990_N Online (Known as e-postcard) – Treasurer (due May 15)
  • State Tax Filing – Submit Massachusetts Form PC (Public Charities) Annual Report to MA Attorney General with $35.00 filing fee – Treasurer (due May 15)



  • Submit Report of election results to Executive Committee – Election Committee
  • Prepare initial program schedule for upcoming program year – Program Committee
  • Appoint representative to attend ANS Annual Local Section Committee meeting during ANS National meeting – Chair (May 31)
  • Update active paid membership list and send copy to ANS Headquarters (should not identify officers) – Secretary
  • Section Annual Meeting – Announce election results and discuss plan for next year – Chair



  • Appoint Audit Committee (minimum of two members) to review Treasurer’s books – Chair
  • Turn over records to incoming Officers & Committee Chairs, and send summary report to Secretary for Section’s history file – Outgoing Officers & Committee Chairs
  • Attend ANS National (Annual) meeting & Local Sections Committee meeting – Section Representative
  • As a result of ANS National Annual Meeting, add the following names to the Northeastern Section mailing list: liaison from ANS National to local sections, Local Sections Committee representative to local section – Membership Chair
  • Nominate committee members and Chairs – Chair/ EC Members
  • Approve committee members and Chairs – Executive Committee
  • Begin plans for next program year – All standing committees
  • Draft budget for next program year – Treasurer/ Chair Elect
  • Approve budget – Executive Committee
  • Optional – Prepare one-year and five-year plans – Executive Committee/Section Development Committee
  • Secretaries report to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Secretary
  • Decision to either submit full Annual Report or on-line short form report – (Executive Committee) (June 15)



  • Submit changes to Bylaws and Officers to the Commonwealth after any changes. Secretary


2031total visits,5visits today