ANS-NE Meeting History

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Program Meeting Schedule 2024/2025

Sept 10, 2024 Presentation by Miss America 2023 and Nuclear Engineering Student Grace Stanke. Joint effort with several organizations and student sections. SGH:

500 Totten Pond Road, Waltham, MA

C. Roy

C. Pimentel

Program Meeting Schedule 2023/2024

Sep 20 2023  Holtec-Hyundai Small Modular Reactor (SMR-160) Development Project  SGH & Virtual C Adey 
Oct 24, 2023  Tour of Commonwealth Fusion Devens Facility. Participation limited to 20 with the attendees list due to Commonwealth by 10/17. In Person  B Kalantari 
Nov 7, 2023  Student Presentations on their College Nuclear Programs and Areas of Interest.  SGH – In person speakers  N Glucksberg and B Capstick 
Jan 24, 2024 Presentation on the Status of Advanced Reactor Technologies by Ben Holtzman, Nuclear Energy Institute Director for New Nuclear – Topic: Future of New Nuclear SGH & Virtual B Capstick
Feb 29, 2024 Tour of SGH Applied Science and Research Laboratory by Steve Palkovic & Normal Perkins SGH C Roy
Apr 4, 2024 Section Networking Dinner – C Roy – date confirmed (5:30 to 8:30) Ruth’s Chris Steak House Waltham MA C Roy
May 21, 2024 Holtec-Hyundai Small Modular Reactor Development Project – Guest Speaker: Brian Zandstra of Holtec International – speaker will be remote Remote ZOOM session C. Adey
June – August 2024 Summer Break

Program Meeting Schedule 2022/2023

Sept 20, 2022 “Energy Committee Viewpoints” – Massachusetts State Senate Energy Committee Chair Michael Barrett SGH & Virtual N Glucksberg
Oct 12, 2022 Sam Brinton – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy – Virtual presentation SGH & Virtual N Glucksberg – to include MIT Student Section
Nov 10, 2022 Student Presentations on their College Nuclear Programs and Areas of Interest – Meeting notice release planned for October 14th. SGH & Virtual N Glucksberg and B Capstick
Jan 18, 2023 Future Nuclear Fuel Supply and Reprocessing EPM & Virtual B Kalantari
Feb 22, 2023 Technical Presentation – Transportation of Nuclear Fuel Rods – SGH Speaker – Ricardo Medina SGH C Roy
Mar 1, 2023 Panel on the “Role for Nuclear Energy in Addressing Climate Change: Newton Democratic City Committee Climate Committee Virtual B Kalantari
Mar 22, 2023 MIT Study “Sources of Cost Overrun in Nuclear Power Plant Construction Call for a New Approach to Engineering Design” Speaker – Jessica Trancik SGH D Kapitz
April 27, 2023 Connecticut State and New England/New York Support in Response to a Nuclear Detonation in a Simulated Scenario – Speaker Jeff Semancik (CT DEEP Radiation Division Director) EPM C Adey and B Graber
May 23, 2023 TerraPower’s Natrium Reactor – Eric Williams, VP of Engineering SGH & Virtual I Goldman

Program Meeting Schedule 2021/2022

Jan 26 “Seismic Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Facilities”

Michael Mudlock/ Christine Roy Simpson Gumpertz & Heger,

Virtual C Roy
Mar 22 “Oklo Micro-Reactor” – Dr. Jacob DeWitt CEO and Co-founder – originally scheduled for the February meeting but was postponed Virtual N Glucksberg
April 19 “Commonwealth Fusion” – Alex Creely, Head of Tokamak Operations In-person at SHG Offices and Virtual N Glucksberg
May 5 “The American Nuclear Society, Nuclear Policy, and Other Stuff” – ANS President Steve Nesbit – in conjunction with the MIT Student Section Virtual R Capstick

Program Meeting Schedule 2020/2021

Sept 22 Meet the ANS-NE Section Members (Virtual)
Oct 20 Historical Foundations of the Linear Non-Threshold Dose Response Model for Cancer Risk Assessment; Dr. Edward J. Calabrese (Ph.D.), Professor of Toxicology of University of Massachusetts.(
Nov 17 Nick Irvin, Southern Company Services, NEI Molten Salt Reactor Technology Working Group (Webcast)
Jan 19 Katrina McMurrian, Executive Director, Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition
Feb 16 NASA Nuclear;  Dr. Michael Houts, Nuclear Research Manager, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Mar 23 ANS President, Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar <>
May 18 Energy Storage: NEC Energy Solutions CEO, Steve Fludder

Program Meeting Schedule 2018/19

Sept. 13 Social Function / Section Meeting- CopperHse Tavern,Waltham J.Nuechterlein
Oct. 18 “Make Nuclear Cool Again”. Bradley Williams, Senior Advisor, Office of Nuclear Energy, DOE EPM R. Kalantari
Nov. 15 Nuclear Movie: Manhattan Project or Countdown to Zero; UML-Olsen Hall Rm 102 S.Aghara/


Jan 31 January 31, 2019:  Dr. Lin-wen Hu, PhD, PE: Director, Research and Services; MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory SGH S.Stamm
Feb 21 “Transportation of High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel in the Northeast”  (John Giarrusso, MEMA MEMA Bunker Framingham R. Capstick
Mar 28 John F. Kotek, NEI

Vice President, Policy Development and Public Affairs

EPM G.Brown/ R.Capstick
Apr 25 Seabrook Meeting & Tour (Joe Donahue, Duke) Seabrook S.Aghara


May 15 Annual Section Meeting (BBQ) at Allen House, South UML Campus UML S.Aghara


Program Meeting Schedule 2017/18


Sept 20 Social/ Section Fall Meeting Owen Oleary’s, Southboro Stamm/ B.Campbell
Oct 18 Life after Nuclear Plant Shutdown ( VYNP) Pilgrim) Jennifer Stromsten, Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation EPM Shaffer/ Stamm
Nov  21 Advances in risk-based design

(Mark Linn ORNL) Webcast

(Backup-Pourgol-Mohammad, Mohammad;

Darvin Kapitz)

EPM Stamm
Jan 23 NFPA 805 (Vicken A. Khatchadourian, P.E., Technical Manager EPM; Jason H. LeMaire, Consulting Engineer EPM) EPM Kalantari
Feb 28 Student Quiz Show UML Aghara
Mar 27 Massachusetts Energy Policy- Climate Change (Chair of Joint MA committee on Energy, Senator Mike Barrett) SIMPSON GUMPERTZ & HEGER, Stamm
April 18 Outage Planning and Execution (Seabrook Bonnie Bryant, Director Work management) Seabrook Kapitz
May 16 NuScale SMR / Section Annual Meeting (Chris Cobert, NuScale) EPM Kalantari


Program Meeting Schedule 2016-17


‘Sept 14


Section Fall Meeting; Life After 60 (Subsequent License Renewal) (SLR)- David Petti (INL) EPM Stamm
‘Oct 11 Cyber Security  (Stephen Batson, Deloitte) EPM Stamm
‘Nov 15 MIT Fusion Research Tour & Presentation ( Dr. Dennis Whyte, Director) MIT, 175 Alden St. & Lab Stamm
‘Jan 25 Molten Salt Reactor, ( Youssef Ballout, Elysium) EPM Stamm
‘Feb 21 Student Presentations/Debate Meeting UML Brossi
April 3 ANS President ; Andrew Klein TBD Kalantari
‘May  17 Annual Meeting; Nuclear Isotope Use, production & supply in Medicine (Ira Goldman) EPM Stamm
‘Jun 6 Stem Cell Research (Ann Kiessling) ALTRAN? Stamm


Program Meeting Schedule 2015-16

‘9/15 Advancements in Nuclear Medicine (UML-Dr. Erno Sajo, Medical Physics) EPM P.Karahalus
10/14 Alden Lab Presentation and Tour; Dr. Ludwig Haber /David Schowalter Alden Labs M.O’Connell
11/19 New England Electricity Infrastructure Challenges  (Heather Hunt, Executive Director,  New England States Commission on Electricity) EPM Stamm
1/20 Radiation and Cancer: the growing global burden of cancer and new opportunities /models for addressing this burden, powered by applications in nuclear science and technology;  Wilfred Ngwa, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Radiation Oncology Department ALTRAN Stamm
2/25 Student Presentations  (MIT/UML/WPI/URI) UML, Alumni Hall M. Volk
3/15 “What Really Happens During IAEA Inspections of Nuclear Developing Countries” (Marco Marzo) EPM S.Stamm
4/12 Pluto Space Exploration;  Emily Lakdawalla, Senior Editor for The Planetary Society (Video Presentation) TBD J. Pappas
5/18 How to Deal with Interveners Nukes (Mimi Limbach, Managing Partner, PCG) Altran R. Kalantari
6/21-23 Section Social TBD J. Process/ J. Balayan


Program Meeting Schedule 2014-15

9/17/2014 Nuclear Career Opportunities (3:30 PM) URI Stamm/Nassarsharif
9/30/2014 Nuclear Career Opportunities UML Stamm/D.Sampson
10/23/2014 “New ANS Nuclear News Center and Communications Improvement Prog.” MC Brady Rapp, ANS President EPM Stamm
12/2/2014 “Transatomic Power – Adventures in Development and Marketing a New Power Plant Design”  (Leslie Dewan, CEO) EPM Generotti
1/28/2015 Site VP Seabrook (Dean Curtland, Site VP) Postponed due to weather; rescheduled in Fall. UML? Stamm
2/25/2015 Nuclear Security (S.Aghara) Altran, Burlington, MA Karahalios
3/18/2015 Social Meeting PapaRazzi, Wellesley TBD

Spring break

4/15/2015 Student Nuclear Debate (MIT/UML/WPI/URI) MIT Stamm
5/13/2015 Site VP Seabrook (Dean Curtland, Site VP) ALTRAN Stamm
6/17/2015 Decommissioning Programs Stamm/ (Szymczak)


Program Meeting Schedule 2013-14

9/18/2013 Nuclear Career Opportunities/ Speakers from AREVA, CB&I, EPM, Invensys,  Seabrook, Westinghouse UML Stamm
10/23/2013 Debris Blockage During Long Term Cooling/ Dr. Graham Wallis, Dartmouth EPM Martin
12/4/2013 Dr. Cameron Goodwin, Director

Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Topic: TBD

EPM Kalantari
1/8/2014 Regional Electrical Grid Management/ David Bertagnolli, Principal Eng. EPM Capstick
2/12/2014 From the AEC to Today: Hope Deferred, Not Lost/ Llewellyn King, Founder, publisher, editor in chief, The Energy Daily; chief executive officer, King Publishing Group CB&I Stamm
3/12/2014 Nuclear Activities in State Department / Dr. Gil Brown EPM Brown
4/23/2014 TBD / Dr. John Kelly, DOE CB&I Stamm
6/4/2014 Pebble Bed Rx/ Dr. Andrew Kadak EPM Stamm



Program Meeting Schedule 2012-2013

DATE PROGRAM ANS Person to Provide Info
11/28/2012 Economics of Solar Energy, Elizabeth Kennedy, Program Director, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Stamm
1/ 2013 Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor,  Dr. David Howard Cook, Oak Ridge National laboratory (1/24 or 1/31) Nassersharif
2/2013 Higgs boson and other recent advances in subatomic particle research, Prof.  George Alverson, Northeastern University Stamm
TBD ______________,Dr. Tube, Harvard ???
4/30/2013 Risk and Performance Based NRC Initiatives, NRC Commissioner George Apostolakis Stamm



Program Meeting Schedule 2005/2006



DATE TOPIC SPEAKER Speaker Coordinator
Mid-Late September New Plants/ Buying Plants David Christian, Senior Nuclear office, Dominion Alex Christian
Late Oct-Early Nov Isotope Production & use Grant Malkoske,

MDS Nordian

Steve Stamm
Early December MIT Tour & Nuclear uses in Space TBD Rick Gauthier
January North Korean Nuclear Program KEDO Jim Flaherty
Feb/March India’s Nuclear Plans TBD Alex Christian
March GE SBWR Steve Hucik Steve Stamm
April/May Yucca Mtn Ted Feigenbaum Diane Quintero


Program Meeting Schedule 2004/2005



9/23/2004 Seabrook  Uprate                         Mr. Steve Hale

Project Manager Seabrook  Uprate                        

Florida Power and Light

Papa Razzi H.Shaffer
10/28//2004 Vermont Yankee Mr. Brian Cosgrove  Vermont Yankee Pappa Razzi H.Shaffer
12/9/2004 Decommissioning at Yankee and Conn Yankee Kelly Smith

Yankee Atomic Electric Company

Sheraton Lexington H.Shaffer
2/09/2005 Nuclear Terrorism Graham Allison

Harvard University

Papa Razzi Walter Kato
3/10/2005 Isotope Production and Use  Grant Malkoski

MDS Nordion, Canada

Papa razzi S.Stamm
4/11/2005 Goals of the National Society Jim Reinsch,

ANS VP-Pres Elect

Papa Razzi S.Stamm
5/26/2005 Radiation in Medicine, 2005 David Drum

Brigham & Women’s Hospital

Papa Razzi S.Stamm


Program Meeting Schedule 2003/2004


9/22/2003 Nuclear Power Development in France Regis Babinet

Nuclear Counselor

French Embassy

Pappa Razzi, Wellsley, MA G.Brown
10/30/2003 Maine Yankee Decommissioning and Dry Cask Storage Ted Feigenbaum

President MY

TBD G.Brown
12/2/2003 Future of Nuclear Power Prof Neil Todreas (MIT) MIT Faculty Club W.Kato
1/16/2004 TBD NH Congessman, Charlie Bass Crown Plaza, Nashua, NH H.Shaffer
Electrical Market Place AICHE Speaker TBD G. Brown
Feb 17/Mar2 Candu 700 AECL S.Stamm
Transmission Systems Bill Muessler TBD W.Kato
ABWR Jack Redding TBD D.Kuba
ANS Chair Elect TBD TBD
TBD Ernie Moniz, Former UnderSec Energy, MIT Prof. W.Kato


Program Meeting Schedule 2001/2002


Sept 20, 2001 Pebble Bed Modular Reactor Frederik Reitsma, PBMR Co. , Germany/S.Africa Papa Razzi Wellesly, MA G.Brown
Late Oct. 2001 YUCCA Mountain Linda Desell DOE Pappa Razzi S.Stamm
Cancelled Nuclear and Space Travel Astronaut Sacco? @ Northeastern Univ. TBD
Jan. 23 or 24,2002 Today’s Nuclear Navy  Conrad Donahue, USNROTC Commander, BU TBD P. Connors

J. Muckerheide

Mar 14, 2002 Risk David Ropiek, Havard School of Public Health

617 432 6011

TBD J. Muckerheide
Early April, 2002 Fusion Program Dr. Peter Barnard-CEO ITER Canada


MIT Speaker (Jeffrey Freiberg?)

TBD J.Green
Mid May, 2002 Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety G. Apostolokis

(617 252 1570)

TBD J.Muckerheide


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