

The ANS-NE section treasure is responsible for the following:

  1. Maintain an accurate bank account, checking and/or saving accounts
  2. Attend Executive Committee (EC) Meetings (~8 per year) (EC meetings are normally held just prior to each dinner meeting — usually 4:00-5:30 pm.)
  3. Register meeting attendees and collect meeting fees
  4. Review ANSNE Activity List and recommend any needed adjustments
  5. Participate in teleconference EC meetings (normally 2 per year June – August).
  6. Approve in conjunction with the Chair expenditures below $100; refer higher expenditure requests to the EC
  7. Assure that the Treasurer and one other officer has Square D credit card acceptance capability
  8. Assure that the Treasurer and two other officers have bank account access
  9. Report financial status of the chapter to the board at each meeting
  10. Prepare a financial report documenting the meeting attendee list, the payments collected, including payment for dinner and dues and the expenses for the dinner, and submit the report to the executive committee. (See attached sample report)
  11. Prepare Section Annual Financial Statement for Board review
  12. Submit financial report covering the previous fiscal year to Executive Committee for approval
  13. Submit Section Annual Financial Statement for inclusion in annual report to ANS Local Sections Committee per ANS Bylaws
  14. File State Annual Report for Non-Profit Corporations with MA Secretary of State
  15. File federal and State taxes on timely manner
  16. Post to ANS LinkedIn site as appropriate
  17. Transition responsibilities to incoming Treasurer at the end of term

Note: Please refer to Activity Management Calendar for date and schedule for the listed responsibilities.


Estimated time commitment: 2 to 5 hours/month in addition to meeting attendance


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