If anyone knows of meetings not listed here please advise: ne@local.ans.org.
Download Meeting History-90701
Program Meeting Schedule 2024/2025
Sept 10, 2024 | Presentation by Miss America 2023 and Nuclear Engineering Student Grace Stanke. Joint effort with several organizations and student sections. | SGH:
500 Totten Pond Road, Waltham, MA |
C. Roy
C. Pimentel |
October 16, 2024 |
Tour of Commonwealth Fusion Devens Facility – date confirmed, Participation limited to 30 persons (first come, first served), time of tour 9:00-10:30 |
In person, Danvers, MA |
C. Roy I. Goldman |
November 7, 2024 |
Student Presentations on their College Nuclear Programs and Areas of Interest. (MIT); (WPI); (UML); (URI) (Brown); Speakers to be proposed by Program chairs |
SGH Waltham, MA | N Glucksberg B Capstick B. McNeely |
January 30, 2025 | Nuclear Propulsion Technology in Outer Space – Barham Nassersharif | EPM Framingham, MA | N Glucksberg |
Program Meeting Schedule 2023/2024
Sep 20 2023 | Holtec-Hyundai Small Modular Reactor (SMR-160) Development Project | SGH & Virtual | C Adey |
Oct 24, 2023 | Tour of Commonwealth Fusion Devens Facility. Participation limited to 20 with the attendees list due to Commonwealth by 10/17. | In Person | B Kalantari |
Nov 7, 2023 | Student Presentations on their College Nuclear Programs and Areas of Interest. | SGH – In person speakers | N Glucksberg and B Capstick |
Jan 24, 2024 | Presentation on the Status of Advanced Reactor Technologies by Ben Holtzman, Nuclear Energy Institute Director for New Nuclear – Topic: Future of New Nuclear | SGH & Virtual | B Capstick |
Feb 29, 2024 | Tour of SGH Applied Science and Research Laboratory by Steve Palkovic & Normal Perkins | SGH | C Roy |
Apr 4, 2024 | Section Networking Dinner – C Roy – date confirmed (5:30 to 8:30) | Ruth’s Chris Steak House Waltham MA | C Roy |
May 21, 2024 | Holtec-Hyundai Small Modular Reactor Development Project – Guest Speaker: Brian Zandstra of Holtec International – speaker will be remote | Remote ZOOM session | C. Adey |
June – August 2024 | Summer Break |
Program Meeting Schedule 2022/2023
Sept 20, 2022 | “Energy Committee Viewpoints” – Massachusetts State Senate Energy Committee Chair Michael Barrett | SGH & Virtual | N Glucksberg |
Oct 12, 2022 | Sam Brinton – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy – Virtual presentation | SGH & Virtual | N Glucksberg – to include MIT Student Section |
Nov 10, 2022 | Student Presentations on their College Nuclear Programs and Areas of Interest – Meeting notice release planned for October 14th. | SGH & Virtual | N Glucksberg and B Capstick |
Jan 18, 2023 | Future Nuclear Fuel Supply and Reprocessing | EPM & Virtual | B Kalantari |
Feb 22, 2023 | Technical Presentation – Transportation of Nuclear Fuel Rods – SGH Speaker – Ricardo Medina | SGH | C Roy |
Mar 1, 2023 | Panel on the “Role for Nuclear Energy in Addressing Climate Change: Newton Democratic City Committee Climate Committee | Virtual | B Kalantari |
Mar 22, 2023 | MIT Study “Sources of Cost Overrun in Nuclear Power Plant Construction Call for a New Approach to Engineering Design” Speaker – Jessica Trancik | SGH | D Kapitz |
April 27, 2023 | Connecticut State and New England/New York Support in Response to a Nuclear Detonation in a Simulated Scenario – Speaker Jeff Semancik (CT DEEP Radiation Division Director) | EPM | C Adey and B Graber |
May 23, 2023 | TerraPower’s Natrium Reactor – Eric Williams, VP of Engineering | SGH & Virtual | I Goldman |
Program Meeting Schedule 2021/2022
Jan 26 | “Seismic Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Facilities”
Michael Mudlock/ Christine Roy Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, |
Virtual | C Roy |
Mar 22 | “Oklo Micro-Reactor” – Dr. Jacob DeWitt CEO and Co-founder – originally scheduled for the February meeting but was postponed | Virtual | N Glucksberg |
April 19 | “Commonwealth Fusion” – Alex Creely, Head of Tokamak Operations | In-person at SHG Offices and Virtual | N Glucksberg |
May 5 | “The American Nuclear Society, Nuclear Policy, and Other Stuff” – ANS President Steve Nesbit – in conjunction with the MIT Student Section | Virtual | R Capstick |
Program Meeting Schedule 2020/2021
Sept 22 | Meet the ANS-NE Section Members (Virtual) |
Oct 20 | Historical Foundations of the Linear Non-Threshold Dose Response Model for Cancer Risk Assessment; Dr. Edward J. Calabrese (Ph.D.), Professor of Toxicology of University of Massachusetts.(edwardc@schoolph.umass.edu) |
Nov 17 | Nick Irvin, Southern Company Services, NEI Molten Salt Reactor Technology Working Group (Webcast) |
Jan 19 | Katrina McMurrian, Executive Director, Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition |
Feb 16 | NASA Nuclear; Dr. Michael Houts, Nuclear Research Manager, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center |
Mar 23 | ANS President, Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar <maryloudunzikgoug@isu.edu> |
May 18 | Energy Storage: NEC Energy Solutions CEO, Steve Fludder |
Program Meeting Schedule 2018/19
Sept. 13 | Social Function / Section Meeting- | CopperHse Tavern,Waltham | J.Nuechterlein |
Oct. 18 | “Make Nuclear Cool Again”. Bradley Williams, Senior Advisor, Office of Nuclear Energy, DOE | EPM | R. Kalantari |
Nov. 15 | Nuclear Movie: Manhattan Project or Countdown to Zero; | UML-Olsen Hall Rm 102 | S.Aghara/
J.Nuechterlein |
Jan 31 | January 31, 2019: Dr. Lin-wen Hu, PhD, PE: Director, Research and Services; MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory | SGH | S.Stamm |
Feb 21 | “Transportation of High-Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel in the Northeast” (John Giarrusso, MEMA | MEMA Bunker Framingham | R. Capstick |
Mar 28 | John F. Kotek, NEI
Vice President, Policy Development and Public Affairs |
EPM | G.Brown/ R.Capstick |
Apr 25 | Seabrook Meeting & Tour (Joe Donahue, Duke) | Seabrook | S.Aghara
S.Stamm |
May 15 | Annual Section Meeting (BBQ) at Allen House, South UML Campus | UML | S.Aghara |
Program Meeting Schedule 2017/18
Sept 20 | Social/ Section Fall Meeting | Owen Oleary’s, Southboro | Stamm/ B.Campbell |
Oct 18 | Life after Nuclear Plant Shutdown ( VYNP) Pilgrim) Jennifer Stromsten, Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation | EPM | Shaffer/ Stamm |
Nov 21 | Advances in risk-based design
(Mark Linn ORNL) Webcast (Backup-Pourgol-Mohammad, Mohammad; Darvin Kapitz) |
EPM | Stamm |
Jan 23 | NFPA 805 (Vicken A. Khatchadourian, P.E., Technical Manager EPM; Jason H. LeMaire, Consulting Engineer EPM) | EPM | Kalantari |
Feb 28 | Student Quiz Show | UML | Aghara |
Mar 27 | Massachusetts Energy Policy- Climate Change (Chair of Joint MA committee on Energy, Senator Mike Barrett) | SIMPSON GUMPERTZ & HEGER, | Stamm |
April 18 | Outage Planning and Execution (Seabrook Bonnie Bryant, Director Work management) | Seabrook | Kapitz |
May 16 | NuScale SMR / Section Annual Meeting (Chris Cobert, NuScale) | EPM | Kalantari |
Program Meeting Schedule 2016-17
‘Sept 14
Section Fall Meeting; Life After 60 (Subsequent License Renewal) (SLR)- David Petti (INL) | EPM | Stamm |
‘Oct 11 | Cyber Security (Stephen Batson, Deloitte) | EPM | Stamm |
‘Nov 15 | MIT Fusion Research Tour & Presentation ( Dr. Dennis Whyte, Director) | MIT, 175 Alden St. & Lab | Stamm |
‘Jan 25 | Molten Salt Reactor, ( Youssef Ballout, Elysium) | EPM | Stamm |
‘Feb 21 | Student Presentations/Debate Meeting | UML | Brossi |
April 3 | ANS President ; Andrew Klein | TBD | Kalantari |
‘May 17 | Annual Meeting; Nuclear Isotope Use, production & supply in Medicine (Ira Goldman) | EPM | Stamm |
‘Jun 6 | Stem Cell Research (Ann Kiessling) | ALTRAN? | Stamm |
Program Meeting Schedule 2015-16
‘9/15 | Advancements in Nuclear Medicine (UML-Dr. Erno Sajo, Medical Physics) | EPM | P.Karahalus |
10/14 | Alden Lab Presentation and Tour; Dr. Ludwig Haber /David Schowalter | Alden Labs | M.O’Connell |
11/19 | New England Electricity Infrastructure Challenges (Heather Hunt, Executive Director, New England States Commission on Electricity) | EPM | Stamm |
1/20 | Radiation and Cancer: the growing global burden of cancer and new opportunities /models for addressing this burden, powered by applications in nuclear science and technology; Wilfred Ngwa, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Radiation Oncology Department | ALTRAN | Stamm |
2/25 | Student Presentations (MIT/UML/WPI/URI) | UML, Alumni Hall | M. Volk |
3/15 | “What Really Happens During IAEA Inspections of Nuclear Developing Countries” (Marco Marzo) | EPM | S.Stamm |
4/12 | Pluto Space Exploration; Emily Lakdawalla, Senior Editor for The Planetary Society (Video Presentation) | TBD | J. Pappas |
5/18 | How to Deal with Interveners Nukes (Mimi Limbach, Managing Partner, PCG) | Altran | R. Kalantari |
6/21-23 | Section Social | TBD | J. Process/ J. Balayan |
Program Meeting Schedule 2014-15
9/17/2014 | Nuclear Career Opportunities (3:30 PM) | URI | Stamm/Nassarsharif |
9/30/2014 | Nuclear Career Opportunities | UML | Stamm/D.Sampson |
10/23/2014 | “New ANS Nuclear News Center and Communications Improvement Prog.” MC Brady Rapp, ANS President | EPM | Stamm |
12/2/2014 | “Transatomic Power – Adventures in Development and Marketing a New Power Plant Design” (Leslie Dewan, CEO) | EPM | Generotti |
1/28/2015 | Site VP Seabrook (Dean Curtland, Site VP) Postponed due to weather; rescheduled in Fall. | UML? | Stamm |
2/25/2015 | Nuclear Security (S.Aghara) | Altran, Burlington, MA | Karahalios |
3/18/2015 | Social Meeting | PapaRazzi, Wellesley | TBD
Spring break |
4/15/2015 | Student Nuclear Debate (MIT/UML/WPI/URI) | MIT | Stamm |
5/13/2015 | Site VP Seabrook (Dean Curtland, Site VP) | ALTRAN | Stamm |
6/17/2015 | Decommissioning Programs | Stamm/ (Szymczak) |
Program Meeting Schedule 2013-14
9/18/2013 | Nuclear Career Opportunities/ Speakers from AREVA, CB&I, EPM, Invensys, Seabrook, Westinghouse | UML | Stamm |
10/23/2013 | Debris Blockage During Long Term Cooling/ Dr. Graham Wallis, Dartmouth | EPM | Martin |
12/4/2013 | Dr. Cameron Goodwin, Director
Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Topic: TBD |
EPM | Kalantari |
1/8/2014 | Regional Electrical Grid Management/ David Bertagnolli, Principal Eng. | EPM | Capstick |
2/12/2014 | From the AEC to Today: Hope Deferred, Not Lost/ Llewellyn King, Founder, publisher, editor in chief, The Energy Daily; chief executive officer, King Publishing Group | CB&I | Stamm |
3/12/2014 | Nuclear Activities in State Department / Dr. Gil Brown | EPM | Brown |
4/23/2014 | TBD / Dr. John Kelly, DOE | CB&I | Stamm |
6/4/2014 | Pebble Bed Rx/ Dr. Andrew Kadak | EPM | Stamm |
Program Meeting Schedule 2012-2013
DATE | PROGRAM | ANS Person to Provide Info |
11/28/2012 | Economics of Solar Energy, Elizabeth Kennedy, Program Director, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center | Stamm |
1/ 2013 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor, Dr. David Howard Cook, Oak Ridge National laboratory (1/24 or 1/31) | Nassersharif |
2/2013 | Higgs boson and other recent advances in subatomic particle research, Prof. George Alverson, Northeastern University | Stamm |
TBD | ______________,Dr. Tube, Harvard | ??? |
4/30/2013 | Risk and Performance Based NRC Initiatives, NRC Commissioner George Apostolakis | Stamm |
Program Meeting Schedule 2005/2006
DATE | TOPIC | SPEAKER | Speaker Coordinator |
Mid-Late September | New Plants/ Buying Plants | David Christian, Senior Nuclear office, Dominion | Alex Christian |
Late Oct-Early Nov | Isotope Production & use | Grant Malkoske,
MDS Nordian |
Steve Stamm |
Early December | MIT Tour & Nuclear uses in Space | TBD | Rick Gauthier |
January | North Korean Nuclear Program | KEDO | Jim Flaherty |
Feb/March | India’s Nuclear Plans | TBD | Alex Christian |
March | GE SBWR | Steve Hucik | Steve Stamm |
April/May | Yucca Mtn | Ted Feigenbaum | Diane Quintero |
Program Meeting Schedule 2004/2005
DATE | TOPIC | SPEAKER | LOCATION | Speaker Coordinator |
9/23/2004 | Seabrook Uprate | Mr. Steve Hale
Project Manager Seabrook Uprate Florida Power and Light |
Papa Razzi | H.Shaffer |
10/28//2004 | Vermont Yankee | Mr. Brian Cosgrove Vermont Yankee | Pappa Razzi | H.Shaffer |
12/9/2004 | Decommissioning at Yankee and Conn Yankee | Kelly Smith
Yankee Atomic Electric Company |
Sheraton Lexington | H.Shaffer |
2/09/2005 | Nuclear Terrorism | Graham Allison
Harvard University |
Papa Razzi | Walter Kato |
3/10/2005 | Isotope Production and Use | Grant Malkoski
MDS Nordion, Canada |
Papa razzi | S.Stamm |
4/11/2005 | Goals of the National Society | Jim Reinsch,
ANS VP-Pres Elect |
Papa Razzi | S.Stamm |
5/26/2005 | Radiation in Medicine, 2005 | David Drum
Brigham & Women’s Hospital |
Papa Razzi | S.Stamm |
Program Meeting Schedule 2003/2004
DATE | TOPIC | SPEAKER | LOCATION | Meeting Coordinator |
9/22/2003 | Nuclear Power Development in France | Regis Babinet
Nuclear Counselor French Embassy |
Pappa Razzi, Wellsley, MA | G.Brown |
10/30/2003 | Maine Yankee Decommissioning and Dry Cask Storage | Ted Feigenbaum
President MY |
TBD | G.Brown |
12/2/2003 | Future of Nuclear Power | Prof Neil Todreas (MIT) | MIT Faculty Club | W.Kato |
1/16/2004 | TBD | NH Congessman, Charlie Bass | Crown Plaza, Nashua, NH | H.Shaffer |
Electrical Market Place | AICHE Speaker | TBD | G. Brown | |
Feb 17/Mar2 | Candu 700 | AECL | S.Stamm | |
Transmission Systems | Bill Muessler | TBD | W.Kato | |
ABWR | Jack Redding | TBD | D.Kuba | |
ANS Chair Elect | TBD | TBD | ||
TBD | Ernie Moniz, Former UnderSec Energy, MIT Prof. | W.Kato |
Program Meeting Schedule 2001/2002
DATE | TOPIC | SPEAKER | LOCATION | Meeting Coordinator |
Sept 20, 2001 | Pebble Bed Modular Reactor | Frederik Reitsma, PBMR Co. , Germany/S.Africa | Papa Razzi Wellesly, MA | G.Brown |
Late Oct. 2001 | YUCCA Mountain | Linda Desell DOE | Pappa Razzi | S.Stamm |
Cancelled | Nuclear and Space Travel | Astronaut Sacco? @ Northeastern Univ. | TBD | |
Jan. 23 or 24,2002 | Today’s Nuclear Navy | Conrad Donahue, USNROTC Commander, BU | TBD | P. Connors
J. Muckerheide |
Mar 14, 2002 | Risk | David Ropiek, Havard School of Public Health
617 432 6011 |
TBD | J. Muckerheide |
Early April, 2002 | Fusion Program | Dr. Peter Barnard-CEO ITER Canada
Or MIT Speaker (Jeffrey Freiberg?) |
TBD | J.Green |
Mid May, 2002 | Advisory Committee on Reactor Safety | G. Apostolokis
(617 252 1570) |
TBD | J.Muckerheide |
3417total visits,5visits today