Section and Regional News
May 14, 2022 – Brian Campbell presents at Peekskill hearing on electrical power supply for the region:
BRIAN CAMPBELL 2 minutes PRO-Nuclear advocacy at the Peekskill Climate Action Hearing CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO. So PROUD to hang with my NUCLEAR BROS & UNION LABOR @ NUCLEAR NY! Your PRO-Nuclear, Eco-modernist, Friend, Brian Campbell
Looks great, Brian. Thanks again for your relentless efforts!
Here‘s your 2 minutes of fame at the Peekskill CAC hearing.
On February 25, 2016 as part of Engineers Week student debate teams from UML and WPI presented original proposals for resolution of nuclear waste disposal issues. Both groups were outstanding and both won awards. The UML team was awarded 1st place and the WPI team 2nd place.
Below is a picture of the debate teams and student supporters.
Charlie Bergeron
Charlie Bergeron passed away on September 3, 2021. He was a long time participant in the local ANS section activities. He wall well known throughout the northeastern region and beyond. His obituary can be found at:.
ANS-NE Section Awarded 2021 Membership Improvement Award (read award)
ANS-NE Participation in the Boy Scout Nuclear Merit Badge Program
On Saturday March 16, 2019 U Mass Lowell hosted the Boy Scout Math Science Technology Expo. – “Exploring Careers through Merit Badges”. This was an all-day event, with badges from astronomy to weather, totaling over 30 in all. The nuclear science badge program was held from 1:00 to 3:45 pm.
We arrived shortly before 1 pm without giving any prior notice that we would be attending. The introduction was provided by Drew Lajuenesse, from the reactor lab. Although we arrived without notice, Drew expedited authorization and Anne and I were allowed to be part of the reactor tour. Since the reactor was shut down, visitors were allowed up to the pool, where a detailed presentation was provided of the components of the reactor and the various experiments conducted. That was followed by a tour of the control room. I sent a follow-up email to Drew thanking him for his efforts.
I was asked to address the scouts after the tour. I presented an overview of the various skills required in the nuclear power industry – physics, computers, controls, health physics etc. I also emphasized that this is an exciting time to be in the nuclear industry, with climate concerns and the various new designs being evaluated. I addressed some other areas, space power, medical applications (I was a real-life example of that). I presented myself as representing ANS-NE, expressed our willingness to help in any way that we could and provided them with information on how we could be contacted.
After the tour, the scouts and their leaders held a session where the leaders reviewed their current merit badge efforts – what has been done, what needed to be done. Several Boy Scout troops participated in the event. The scout leaders seemed well versed in nuclear science and had experience working on the merit badge. I do not have information on the specific troops that attended, but will attempt to get that information.
Moving forward, we need to determine:
- Are there ANS-NE members interested in helping in this program if needed?
- Do the scout leaders need or want our assistance?
We need to make contact with those scout troops involved to get an idea of what, if any, assistance we can provide.
ANS National Membership Discount-(5/21/2019)
As a thank you for being an ANS-Northeastern Local Section member or recently attending an event, we’re excited to offer you a special discount to join ANS National. For a limited time, save $25 by having your entrance fee waived. Simply enter the discount code local25 when you join online at Please see the flier for more details about the special discount and why you should join the premier organization for nuclear science and technology professionals. Flyer Link
ANS-NE BBQ at Allen House- May 15, 2019
American Nuclear Society, Northeastern Local Section held its last dinner meeting for this program year at the historic, beautiful Allen House on the UMass Lowell south campus. Appetizers and BBQ menu items were served at this mansion overlooking the Merrimack River. We spent most of the time on the outdoor patio interfacing with our colleagues and students.
NRC Seabrook Performance Assessment Meeting
The NRC will be presenting its performance assessment April 24, 2019, 6-8 pm at Best Western, Hampton. The assessment will be followed by a Q&A session. For additional details see Meeting Notice.
ANS-NE Supports NRC Meeting on Seabrook License Extension
A packed NRC meeting was held in a nearby hotel to discuss the License Extension request. News reports were very favorable. Many of our section members attended including a team from UML. See below link.
ANS National Membership Discount-(5/21/2019)
As a thank you for being an ANS-Northeastern Local Section member or recently attending an event, we’re excited to offer you a special discount to join ANS National. For a limited time, save $25 by having your entrance fee waived. Simply enter the discount code local25 when you join online at Please see the flier for more details about the special discount and why you should join the premier organization for nuclear science and technology professionals. Flyer Link
ANS-NE BBQ at Allen House- May 15, 2019
American Nuclear Society, Northeastern Local Section held its last dinner meeting for this program year at the historic, beautiful Allen House on the UMass Lowell south campus. Appetizers and BBQ menu items were served at this mansion overlooking the Merrimack River. We spent most of the time on the outdoor patio interfacing with our colleagues and students.
NRC Seabrook Performance Assessment Meeting
The NRC will be presenting its performance assessment April 24, 2019, 6-8 pm at Best Western, Hampton. The assessment will be followed by a Q&A session. For additional details see Meeting Notice.
ANS-NE Supports NRC Meeting on Seabrook License Extension
A packed NRC meeting was held in a nearby hotel to discuss the License Extension request. News reports were very favorable. Many of our section members attended including a team from UML. See below link.
In Memory of Dr. Richard Wilson, Harvard University
Long time supporter of the ANS-NE Section Richard “Dick” Wilson, Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics Emeritus at Harvard University, died on May 19 in Needham, Mass.
Robert Kalantari’s reflections on Richard Wilson:
I am sure most of you knew Dr. Wilson for a long time. He was an active member of our chapter. I got to know him when I became actively involved with our chapter about 12 years ago. Dr. Wilson was a scientist, Physics professor at Harvard University. He wrote a book “Physics is Fun”. I read his book and learned a lot about him, not only about his scientific contributions to the world, but also his humanitarian and environmental stands on many subjects. He was a noble man, May God bless his soul, rest in peace. I wish we knew about it when he passed away. To find out more about Dr. Wilson, please check the link below.
Atoms for the Future 2018 Meeting, October 16th to October 18th in Paris
Meeting information and registration:
February 28, 2018 – Students Participate in Nuclear Jeopardy like game show
A number of students from MIT, UML, West Point & Three Rivers CC participated in a three round game show consisting of nuclear related questions. The winning team received a special reward prize. All received participation awards. The students did a great job answering some very difficult questions.
April 26, 2018 – Letter to Editor of Cambridge Chronicle by Brian Campbell
The Northeast Section of the American Nuclear Society awarded two $1000 scholarships in 2017. The recipients were:
Chris Salazar is a Senior in Mechanical Engineering and Spanish with a minor in Nuclear Engineering at University of Rhode Island (URI). He intends to continue there to pursue a PhD in Solid Mechanics and Nuclear Engineering. He is interested in seeking employment with Los Alamos or Sandia National Labs, working in the discipline of Blast Mitigation.
Calvin Downey is a sophomore at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Material Science. To meet his education needs, he has created an Independent study program at WPI in Nuclear Physics and Engineering. He intends to continue on to graduate school in a Nuclear Engineering Program and eventually be employed in the nuclear industry. The Northeast Section of the American Nuclear Society routinely works with students from the University of Rhode Island (URI), the University of Massachusetts at Lowell (UMass Lowell), and Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). These schools maintain Nuclear Science/Engineering programs with courses designed to provide engineering talent to support the operation of the nuclear power plants in New England. These Nuclear Power Stations provide sustainable, carbon free electricity to the region. Additionally, the WPI and UMass Lowell curriculums include coursework in health physics and radiation biology, which provide the groundwork for programs in radiation cancer treatment. These treatments are employed by numerous hospitals and cancer treatment centers throughout New England. UMass Lowell can also train future engineers how to safely produce the isotopes that are needed for these treatments.
April 7, 2016 – Article by Dr. Gil Brown
Your View: Consider nuclear when eliminating carbon, SouthCoast Today, by Dr. Gil Brown
February 25, 2016 – Student Debate Teams
On February 25, 2016 as part of Engineers Week student debate teams from UML and WPI presented original proposals for resolution of nuclear waste disposal issues. Both groups were outstanding and both won awards. The UML team was awarded 1st place and the WPI team 2nd place.
Below is a picture of the debate teams and student supporters.
Letters to Editors
Letter to Editor of Newburyport News by Brian Campbell January 25, 2019 –
Letter to Editor of Cambridge Chronicle by Brian Campbell 2018-04-26-Closure of Pilgrim Power Plant will result in additional CO2 Emissions-Cambridge Chronicle Editorial-1
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