

The Chair of the Membership Committee is responsible for managing the Membership Committee functions as indicated in the Bylaws of the ANS NE which states:

Membership Committee – composed of not fewer than two Section Members or Participants, charged with the duty of bringing the advantages of the Section and of Society membership to the attention of qualified candidates, as required.

The specific duties of the Membership Committee Chair include:

  1. Selection of Membership Committee member(s) for reporting to and approval by the ANS NE Executive Committee
  2. Attend Executive Committee (EC) Meetings (~8 per year) (EC meetings are normally held just prior to each dinner meeting — usually 4:00-5:30 pm.)
  3. Participate in teleconference EC meetings (normally 2 per year June – August).
  4. Obtaining the ANS National list of members in the ANS NE region every other year, updating the ANS NE Master List and soliciting new individuals on the national list for membership to the ANS NE Section
  5. Reporting the membership status and Membership Committee activities at each Executive Committee meeting
  6. Coordination with the Student ANS Sections in the region to assure that the new student section officers at a minimum are on the ANS NE Master List
  7. Identification of Company sponsors for each nuclear related company in the ANS NE region who will disseminate ANS NE meeting information within their organizations
  8. Maintaining and growing the membership for the ANS NE LinkedIn group webpage.
  9. Provide the Chair, Treasurer and Program Committee Chair manager rights on ANSNE LinkedIn site
  10. Posting nuclear related information of interest to ANS NE members on the ANS NE LinkedIn group webpage
  11. Maintaining membership statistics
  12. Oversee advertising local section membership
  13. Coordinate with Program Chair to update the ANS-NE Master List for updated registration information after each meeting
  14. Resolve email bounces and update the ANS NE Master List accordingly.
  15. Obtain list of paid-up members from the Treasurer and update the Master Members list accordingly.
  16. Providing Membership Committee input for reports to ANS HQ and 5 year plan
  17. Preparation and Maintenance of an ANS NE Section Membership brochure outlining the advantages of membership in the section and the society and providing membership sign up instructions
  18. Transition responsibilities to incoming replacement at the end of term

Estimated time commitment:  ~3 hours/month in addition to meeting attendance.


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