
ANS-NE Outreach Program Manager Job Description

The goals of the ANS-NE section outreach program are:

  1. Disseminate nuclear related information within the sections geographical area
  2. Increase interest in section activities
  3. Educate student in the ANS-NE region on nuclear energy

The Outreach program manager should take advantage of the following resources in order to further the above goals:

  • ANS-NE members
  • University nuclear programs and resources at MIT, UML, URI and WPI
  • ANS HQ outreach materials
  • NEI brochures and documents
  • Pilgrim, Seabrook and Millstone nuclear plant energy centers

Activities that the Outreach Program Manager should consider in order to achieve the above goals include:

  • Making arrangement for nuclear speakers at schools, religious facilities and municipal libraries
  • Coordinate contacts with state and federal representative from the ANS-NE region to provide
  • Coordinate getting Op-ed pieces into local and regional newspapers and on-line news facilities
  • Develop relationship with local news outlets and Invite news representatives to selected ANS-NE meetings to cover topics of general interest
  • Have ANS-NNE meetings noticed in area news releases
  • Advise section members of events of interest in our area
  • Coordinate nuclear related teacher’s workshops with local universities
  • Work with webmaster to improve website outreach


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