

The Chair of the Program Committee is responsible for managing the Program Committee functions as indicated in the Bylaws of the ANS NE which states:

Program Committee – composed of not fewer than two (2) Section Members or Participants, who shall be responsible for planning Section meetings and for coordinating all meetings with those of the Society and of affiliated organizations. This Committee shall be responsible for all arrangements as necessary to properly conduct the Section’s meetings.

The specific duties of the Program Committee Chair include:

  1. Selection of Program Committee member(s) for reporting to and approval by the ANS NE Executive Committee (EC)
  2. Attend Executive Committee (EC) Meetings (~8 per year) (EC meetings are normally held just prior to each dinner meeting — usually 4:00-5:30 pm.)
  3. Participate in teleconference EC meetings (normally 2 per year June – August).
  4. Development of a proposed meeting schedule for the section year to the EC for approval
  5. Reporting the preparation status of meetings at each Executive Committee meeting and updating the meeting schedule throughout the year
  6. Consideration of major industry events, ANS National meetings, local university schedules and religious holidays shall be considered in the meeting schedule development
  7. Identification of other local nuclear related events for informing the ANS NE membership
  8. Posting ANS NE program information on the ANS NE Linkedin group webpage
  9. Maintaining the meeting preparation checklist
  10. Overseeing completion of the relevant actions on the meeting checklist for each meeting
  11. Assignment of one or more a meeting coordinators for each meeting
  12. Oversee the acquisition of meeting speakers
  13. Track meeting registrations and provide registration list to Treasurer prior to each meeting.
  14. Initial development activities for any ANS Topical or National meetings in the ANS NE region until a specific ad-hoc program committee is set up for that event
  15. Prepare meeting notices including speaker and topic information for email distribution and website posting.. (Normally two to three times before meeting).
  16. Overseeing efforts to assure the meeting attendance reaches an acceptable level
  17. Providing the Chair talking points for their introductory meeting presentations
  18. Provide registration email bounces and final registration list to Membership Chair for updating the Master ANS-NE List.
  19. Providing meeting presentations to webmaster for posting on ANS-NE website
  20. Providing Program Committee input for reports to ANS HQ and 5 year plan
  21. Transition responsibilities to incoming replacement at the end of term

Estimated time commitment: 4 hours/month in addition to meeting attendance.

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