
Section Webmaster Responsibilities

The ANS NE section webmaster is responsible for maintaining the ANS NE Website as follows:

  1. Update the meeting information and registration pages for each meeting to allow people to register for the meetings. This should be done on an expedited basis.
  2. Provide the meeting registration list to the Treasurer if the Program Chair cannot perform this duty.
  3. Maintain the listing of ANS NE officers up to date.
  4. Add presentations to the archive page when made available.
  5. Post news to the news section upon request of a section officer.
  6. Post section minutes to the web page.
  7. Post the latest documents to the webpage (minutes, Bylaws, Responsibility descriptions, treasurer’s report, activity schedule, pictures, etc.)
  8. Answer website related question of section members.
  9. Broken website links.
  10. Provide a report to the EC if there is anything of significance occurring related to the webpage.
  11. Attend EC meetings.

Programming Capabilities:

  1. Programming skills requirement depends on what decision is made going forward. If they are going to maintain the static HTM pages that Paris used to build the site a few years ago, they need to be familiar with HTML, CSS, have some CGI knowledge, (for the registrations page that is run using a scrip on the ANS National servers), some graphic editing experience, etc.
  2. A little over a year ago, National suggested that all local section pages are built using the same CMS (I believe it was wordpress), which would allow multiple members to update the content through a user interface. If the decision is made to pursue that, then the experience needed is familiarity with wordpress and some familiarity with handling graphics.



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